Friday, November 28, 2008

Emily can finally Rest!

Okay so I really haven't blogged in a while because I really have been busy. Not anymore though! YES! These past couple of weeks I have been working extremely hard because I was getting ready to go to a cheer competition. One day I had 3 practices in 24 hours! Who does this...I mean really? Anyway, there was one week were I had practice every freakin' day. I was so tired I could barely move. Competition was the next Monday and when it was all over I was so happy. I got to sleep in, do whatever I wanted after school. And even better I don't have practice till Feburary! It is SO awesome! I can finally sit down and rest. :D


Sarah said...

Who are you calling dumb....your Young Women's leader?!!! Talk about dis-respect! I listen to it on kozy and fm 100 right after Halloween and I love it!

Ashlie said...

Hey guys!
It's Ashlie from school. I'm in your third period class Emily. Your guys blog is way cute. Oh and if that was Emily's first time tie dying, then I think she did a pretty good job!